Case Study

Top 10 Bank Sees 1000 BP Roll Rate Improvement Using Retain for Delinquency Communications

Read about how a leading bank reduced roll rates by powering its customer engagement with Retain for intelligent, digital communications

Case Study

In this case study, we tell the story of a top 10 bank that was struggling to keep up with the growing wave of early-stage delinquencies across various products within its portfolio.

Within 60 days of launching Retain, the bank saw an immediate reduction in roll rates: an average 890 bp decline in roll rate across products. As the platform optimized over time, the bank saw a significant and sustainable benefit when compared with their in-house strategy across product lines (up to a 1000 bp decrease in roll rate). 

Download the full case study to get the whole story and learn how using Retain for digital communications can improve your delinquency management process.

About Retain

Retain by TrueML Products is an intelligent delivery platform that leverages a patented optimization engine to determine the optimal time and channel to deliver the client’s communications within the confines of the compliance requirements outlined by the client. 

TrueML Products is a fintech software company developing machine learning-driven products that enable intelligent, digital communication and prioritize customer experience for consumers seeking financial health.